Thursday, 19 May 2016

Reality in a film

Reality in a film

Portraying reality in a film is one of the major key to make the audience believe in what you are trying to show on screen. Especially in specific genres like; biopic, epics, romance, etc. But the tricky part over here is how to show the reality to the audience. There are so many key elements through which an audience for a moment believes and connects to the film which is going on in front of them. Firstly we can say the way the actor/actresses portrays his/her character. I might have repeated it several times, and I will repeat it once again. Through the actor/actresses acting and making the viewer’s believe that he/she is not faking out the character will help the audience to get more connected, and most importantly believe in the film as well. Avoiding of exaggeration also can help show reality in a film. There are obviously exceptions such as melo-dramatic films or any other genre, but now a days audiences usually crave for a more realistic plot. In my point of view this will also help giving more effect to the film. The locations also help emphasizing the realistic part of the film even more. Art films comparative to commercial ones surely looks at this point as well. There is one very vital term that is the continuity of a particular movie. Sometimes we notice that in a particular scene at one shot the actor’s hair is messy, and in the other shot it is automatically neat. This is a fail in continuity. Maintaining the continuity also helps to add a realistic part also. For a film maker it’s very important to understand his or her audience. If a biopic is being made, as a film maker you have to make sure that carrying out the facts and the realistic part with entertainment is taken place, because without that we will have limited people to watch our films. Basically cinema is a medium of entertainment and also somewhere we are either influenced or motivated after watching a particular film. But adding more realism to the film will add more color to it as well. Reality in a film only doesn’t mean non-fictional stories. Obviously fictional stories can also have realism in their films. Let’s consider a plot of two lovers with different religion. So a made up story will surely work but the role of realism over here takes place according to what kind of scenario you are trying to show your audience. For example if we are showing that story in an orthodox family the situation which will really occur will have more impact. And sometimes if we want to change the perception of the people of our society we can also show it in the way of the same situation but later on the opposite of it.

Having reality in a film will surely make your audience enjoy and even get emotionally connected to the film, and also learn something from it as well, but most importantly it also depends on the genre as well.