Importance of research
As a film maker you make a film which is either fictional or non fiction, or some events which is true in the story which you have created right? But in every kind of film the research work is very essential. Before you execute something to your audience there will always be a subject in your story which should be justified through your film. If your story will for example be situated in the era of the 15th century, then the research should be thoroughly taken place, and as a film maker you should ensure that the characteristics, set up, and every element which will be set in the frame is according to that very century. This will add realistic elements as well. Even the research for every culture for example which you will execute should be taken place for the respect firstly of that culture, and also adding more realism into the film. Doing your research will help enhance your film, and make it look more sensible on screen. It is very obvious that every film maker will do their research work, but their are also some film makers who in spite of doing the research sometimes ignores the small elements which will disturb the particular frame which is set.Regarding research work it should be taken place in every stage of film making, such as the art direction part, the characteristics of your character according to where he/she belongs, the costumes needed as well, etc. At the end of the day you are showing your blind audience something which they will believe during watching the film, so if there are some wrong facts added your hard work will go in vain and you are also giving a chance to the critics to criticize your film. There is no harm in expanding your knowledge right? Being a director especially, you are the one at the end of the day who will answer the questions of your cast and crew, so it's very essential that you should be 100% sure that whatever you plan to execute will be justified, and also researched very well.
Research work will also help your film look more real, and it will make your audience connect with the particular situation which you are trying to portray on screen.