Positioning of the frame
Film making as we all know helps in putting our creativity on screen for the audience. But with creativity it also simultaneously is very technical as well, not only regarding the camera, or editing, etc. but also technicality in setting the elements, and characters for the frame. It is very essential to go into the datelining part, as anything can become a distraction from what you want to put in focus. As a film maker you should have the knowledge of how exactly you want the frame to be set according to your scene for taking the specific shot. The positioning of your characters, and the other elements such as the props matters a lot as well. It is vital for the positioning to be done according to your audience's point of view. With the help of the positioning it will give greater impact on the camera work, as the movement of the camera will be according to how the particular set up is done as well. In a lay man's language the better the positioning more the frame looks organized. When the positioning is taken place it is also ensured that where the protagonist or the character which is in focus is placed, and where the co star or the antagonist is placed. In the term of film making this is also known as 'Film space' where the space within the frame where the characters are positioned or moving as well in order to convey something. Positioning is the main role in the Mise-en-scene which includes the arrangement of everything that appears in the frame such as the lightning, props, actors. and so on. It also analyses the directional part as well. Positioning also depends upon the set up, lighting, and also most importantly the amount of space available for taking a shot as well.
The importance of positioning for the frame in making the scene look much organised, impacting the camera movement, and helps in taking the shot in a much better way as well. It's very essential to remember that for this to become successful planning with full detailing, and going into the depth should be taken place as a film maker. The audience will like what they see in front of their eyes, and will be keen to watch it.