Wednesday, 13 July 2016

Types of Audiences

Types of Audience

The reason for me choosing this topic is because to emphasis on the point that not everyone can like your idea. There is no crime in being unique, but you never know who will or will not respect your work, as at the end of the day you cannot control over every individuals mind right? This particular post is not to dis respect an individual, but just to accept the ‘The types of Audience’. In this field you never will know who exactly are your audience, and every individual’s reaction towards your film. This particular part makes you feel nervous, tensed, and as well as snatches away your sleep. As a film maker you are portraying your idea to a blind audience, and it’s not possible for each, and everyone to like it. But it can be possible for most of the audience to accept the film being made by you. Before being a film maker you are an audience. I am personally in between both of them but mostly started to think as film maker right now due to being a part of this world. Well you can at least know the ‘Type of audience’ who will watch your film. I am not generalizing it, but by the tool of observing it helped me also get the knowledge of the type of people in the hall to watch a film. Yes, I do go to watch the film as well, but as I am chasing for achieving my dream to become a director, it’s very vital to know the current generation you are in now. 
There are various kinds of people who will watch your film even if they are interested, or not interested, I will highlight some of the points which I personally have observed. The first type is the ‘Judgmental Ones’. You see, there are some people who go to the hall to watch the film less, and judges it more. These kinds of people will find false in each and every part of the film most of the time, which automatically makes them less interested towards the film. Sometimes comparison to another film or industry is also taken place by them. The second one can be the ‘Spoilers’. This particular group of audience can also be somewhere similar to the ‘Judgmental Ones’. These kinds of people usually look at the film with a negative aspect, either because they will not like the genre or the acting, etc. If they accompany someone they also might spoil their mood while watching the film. The next type of audience can be the ‘Guesser’. This particular group of individuals will be very keen to know the climax in between of the film that they will start guessing the suspense, after pointing out every cast member. If a film maker makes their expectations fail regarding the climax, then the film can be successful as well. So for being a good film maker it’s very essential to get into the shoes of the audience. The other type of audience can be the ‘Devoted Ones’. These people can help a film maker become successful with his/her film, as they have devoted themselves to watching the movie with full interest, and keen to sit on their seats till the end of the film. This type of group can also be categorized in the ‘Respectful Ones’ also, as they indirectly respect the work portrayed by the film maker. Another group of people can be the ‘Appreciative ones’ who will appreciate the hard work done by the film maker, and also will enjoy the film as well. 
There are also ‘Smart Audiences’ who will look at the film in perspective of the reality, and point are mistakes which will not be pointed out deliberately but correctly as well. The last one I can state is the ones who are ‘Mind Changers’. These kind of audience usually influences the actual presentation of the film by their own feelings. For example, if a person went to watch a film, and personally did not like it either he/she will suggest the known people not to watch it or change their mind about the film. It can be negative or positive as well. There are even more various kinds of people who watch movies, and enjoy it in their own way as well. Some people also just go to pass their time, and some people might go because of their favorite superstar. These particular parts are categorized for the behavior which are mostly seen. So as a film maker you have to be very strong minded, and accept the harsh facts as well, and not let anything affect you, but make you improve instead. Understand your audience with your own style of film making will help you become a very successful director as well.