Friday, 26 August 2016

Creating an Ambiance

Creating an Ambiance

Putting your story into life is not a very simple task right? We need a proper team who will not just be good at their profession, but also understand, and personally accept the story so that the best is given by each, and every person. But just shooting it with the cast in front of you, is just not enough for the film to look real, and also for the the audience accepting it. It's very essential for the ambiance to be created where the particular scenario which is to be created should be felt around the cast in real life. This will help the cast the most as they get in depth of the character, and also make their acting look perfect on screen. By creating the ambiance it also effects the scene on screen by making the audience believe that whatever is happening in the reel life is real for a moment. The ambiance is also created by the sets created for the film. For example, if you are making a historical film where kingdoms will be a part of it, creating the kingdom which will look very realistic will give birth to the ambiance making you feel a part of the kingdom. The sets also will look astonishing on screen, and the frame will look perfect with the actor/actress acting out perfectly with the support of their surroundings. If you are making a biopic, the ambiance which will be created will also take you back to the time the incidence occurred. The sound also plays a pivotal role for the ambiance to be created. A very common example is the horror films. It will create the ambiance in the hall where the people are watching the film. Whereas during the shoot the ambiance is also created by the technical parts as well such as the lighting. Even while shooting, when you have all the required elements suiting the story, and the character as well the ambiance is automatically created by taking the actor/actress to the imaginary world where they believe that whatever they will act out is their character in real life making the shot look perfect as well. The cinematographer also at the end of the day will get into the ambiance by taking the shot as it's needed making each and every required element look perfect in the frame. Other elements such as the props, etc. will create an ambiance by making the shot look perfect as well. So an intelligent film maker makes sure that they create an ambiance during the shoot so that the audience will feel the same emotions on screen.