A film is successful also obviously by the acting of the
cast, as they play the real characters of the story written. It’s really not an
easy job to face so many people without knowing who will watch you, and in
which way they will watch you as well. And also the fear of if they will like or dislike you. For
an actor/actress it’s very important to look natural on screen, as through that
method acting the audience will get more connected towards the film. But one more very important thing an
actor/actress should consider is the ‘Improvisation’ tool. Basically,
improvisation is adding on your own creativity to the part which is already planned,
for example the script. It’s not just the director, writer,
cinematographer, editor, etc. job to be creative. An actor as well should
be very creative enough to improvise on a particular thing. The key for that
success is just imaging him/her at the place of the character. For example, if
a particular scene consists of an actor/actress crying out loud, then he/she
should also imagine themselves at at hat very position. This will help them to
look more natural on screen as well. Even it’s not very necessary to deliver the ‘exact’
dialogues written in the script. But this thing does not apply always.
Dialogues help for the message to be even clearer to the audience, so if an
actor/actress using his/her imagination improvises on it in a much better way;
it will also contribute to the film being a success.
Improvisation only doesn’t concern to actors, but also at
many different jobs of film making. Let’s consider ‘cinematography’. A
cinematographer, having the ‘shooting script’ in his/her mind can also use the
power of his/her imagination to improvise the look of the shot. As a director
we give our visualization into a screenplay jotting down everything. A
cinematographer also can have the freedom to somewhere change the outcome of
the shot as it will give a better result as well. Film making is a process
involved with the use of more than one brain. So including everyone’s point of
view, and improvising the film will at the end of the day surely indeed to help
it being a success, and make the audience not just like but love it as