Thursday, 13 October 2016

Film Genre

Film Genre

How do you get a story? From an idea which leads to a concept, with a fixed subject, and genre. Your story can either be adapted, fiction or non-fiction, etc. But as we all know that every story has a genre. Film genre is not only about the film being either romantic, or a comedy film. It also consists with different film making elements. There is also sub genres such as, action adventure, or romantic comedy, etc, and this also is not just about the film being either romantic comedy, but different elements for making a film is also to be seen as similar to Film Genre. According to the genre of your film the ambiance which is to be created on set is decided, and also the location where the shoot will be taken place. The lighting of the film most importantly will be very much also depended upon the Film Genre, as for example, if it will be a horror film low lighting in most of the scene will be preferred, and if it will be a romantic film then the lighting differ as well. In my point of view, to establish a particular genre also the lighting somewhere plays a role as well. It's very essential for a film maker to ensure that the lightnings of the scene or film is according to the genre which helps create the mood or ambiance. Another important element related with the Film Genre is the color temperature of the film. For action film usually you will notice 'Red' color in most of the scenes, and vibrant colors in a romantic film. So the color temperature also differs from one genre to another. Costumes also can be considered as an important element of film making which will help establish your Film genre. For example western where there will be a cowboy's outfit helping establish the particular genre. Set up plays an very essential role also in the film genre, and the set up also comes under the location which you will be shooting your film.

From the setting to the mood, theme or subject, costumes, lighting, and color temperature will mainly help you establish the genre of a film with it's format. When you write the story of a particular genre it is just your imagination, and for a Film Genre bringing that particular thing life will grasp your audience's attention, and make your film successful also.